Stevens Construction
uparrow construction worker


Stevens Construction is well known for the diversity of our work. Not only do we deliver high-quality work across an array of sectors, but we also specialise in design, planning, engineering and construction management. This translates into added value and cost-savings for clients.

cost planning

Cost planning

Steven's cost planners can assist with cost advice early in the concept design stage which leads to greater confidence in key financial outcomes. Cost planning assists with project feasibility studies, funding approvals and of course throughout the ongoing design process, as the cost of a project is closely monitored as the design unfolds. We work through scope and quantities, construction sequences, programs, build ability, logistics and materials-handling, which all directly affect the final cost.

Construction workers
value engineering

Value engineering

Critical to all projects is achieving the optimum ratio of function to cost. Stevens’ value engineering process investigates various approaches to construct your project and then determines the best way forward in terms of cost, time and quality. It solves problems and eliminates unwanted costs, taking into consideration the availability of materials, various construction methods, site limitations etc. We ensure every aspect of your project is covered, and with the emphasis on function, we find the most cost-effective solutions to achieve your desired outcomes.

design management

Design management

Our seasoned management team co-ordinates and directs the various design consultants needed for a development project. In this way we ensure your development outcome is achieved in terms of functionality, time, quality and cost.

construction management

Construction management

Steven’s tried and tested construction management capability ensures your overall project planning, coordination and control, from inception to completion, meets requirements and produces a functionally and financially viable project.

design and construction

Design and construction

Many of our clients contract our services for both the design and construction aspects of their development. Given Stevens substantial experience across retail, commercial, leisure and residential markets over many years, our team has extensive skills in efficient design and quality construction methods.

laying concrete
interior design


Stevens handles all aspects of complete interior fitouts, from the professional design and construction management through to the handing over of the keys for final occupation of your premises.


Whether you have a question or would like to arrange a meeting, we would love to hear from you. Simply fill in the contact form below and one of the Stevens Construction team member will be in touch soon.